Thursday, July 23, 2020

Acelerate Your Ecommerce Business: Top Trends for 2020

The ecommerce market is rapidly growing each year therefore, businesses need to monitor ecommerce trends to stay ahead of the competition. By the end of 2019, the global ecommerce market had sales reaching $3.5 trillion and represented 14% of the total share of global retail sales. As we move into 2020, it’s important to learn about the latest trends and technologies in ecommerce sector to make the best out of your online business.

Without further ado, here are some of the emerging ecommerce trends that continue to be major players in 2020.

Headless Ecommerce
Headless ecommerce is a talk of the town as it allows the presentation layer of a website to be decoupled from the ecommerce functionality. Headless ecommerce refers to the use of ecommerce platforms like Magento or PrestaShop that don’t require a pre-designed storefront. Data is retrieved from the backend via an API and is separated from the frontend. This gives retailers full control over their storefronts across a variety of channels, including desktop, mobile and social media.

Voice Commerce
Voice assistants like Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, and Google’s Assistant are becoming popular day by day. By 2023, 8 billion devices will be equipped with voice assistants in them (including smartphones). Moreover, voice shopping is expected to grow to 40 billion by 2022. As per Loop Ventures, 75% of U.S. households will own a smart speaker by 2025.

Chatbots to Communicate with Customers
By 2025, the global chatbot market is expected to generate revenues to approximately thousand million dollars and ecommerce represents a big slice of this. 45% of end users consider chatbots their primary choice for customer service inquiries.

Source: Credence Research
Chatbots allow stores to communicate with their customers while giving them the feeling of personal attention and thoughtful recommendations based on their responses. Research shows that 60% of customers prefer chatbots to answer their inquiries due to faster response time. Experts also  predict that chatbot usage will increase by 80% in 2020.

Rise of Virtual and Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality (AR) has become a major game changer when it comes to online shopping, significantly closing the gap of ambiguity. It helps consumers to see how they would look while wearing a certain item or which paint color will suit heir home. This eliminates the hurdle of not being able to see the product firsthand and makes shopping easy.

By 2022 over 120,000 stores will be using Augmented Reality (AR) technologies, offering a much richer buying experience. 

Personalization for the Win
Ecommerce sites are widely investing in personalization tactics as it helps consumers feel a connection to brands and can simplify the online shopping experience. It includes personalized messages via email, updates about relevant discounts, and engaging with customers through video content.
Recent data also shows that incorporating personalization feature can reduce bounce rates by 45%. 94% of companies see personalization as a critical component of their success. Creating a more personalized experience online has shown to boost revenue by 10% . 

Environmental Concern Influences Buyers

Green consumerism is on the rise, as half of the digital consumers say that environmental concerns impact their purchasing decisions. Thus, online businesses need to comply with environmental-friendly practices. Whether it’s organic or vegan skincare products, there is an increasing demand for cruelty free products. Consumers feel more responsible for the planet, which in turn increases the responsibility for brands to cater to the eco-friendly needs of customers.

User-Generated Content on Social Media
Brands are seeking influence partnerships and ripping out the benefits of user-generated content (UGC). The photos and videos that social media users share about brands can be a fertile ground for unique and engaging content. Such content brings authenticity to brands when influencers make IGTVs while using those products or endorse through pictures. It further gains consumer’s trust and affects their purchasing decisions. More than 64% of social media users will seek out UGC before making a purchase, and UGC videos get 10 times more views than brand content.

Wrapping Up
Incorporating the aforementioned mentioned trends can take your eCommerce business to a whole new level. And to do so you need to find the right web development agency that delivers successful projects. Well, your search ends here! Being a trusted web and app development company, we merge superior quality, agile methodology, collaborative approach and technological understanding to bring products that take your business to a higher grade. Get in touch with our certified experts for more information.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Top Benefits Of Hiring a Laravel Certified Developer

Do you know why so many people are looking to Hire PHP Developer nowadays? It is due to the high demand for PHP based websites on the web.

The last few decades have witnessed a complete transformation in the way we live communicate and get information. Today, most of us rely on the internet to get information about everything and everyone. With this, websites and search engines are constantly getting more advanced to cater to the growing demand of people. Therefore, static websites are being replaced by creative dynamic websites since they offer much more features and functionalities. And to create such websites, developers mostly use PHP or ASP.NET where PHP holds more than 80% of market share. And guess which PHP framework tops the list? It’s none other than Laravel.

Well, the graph clearly depicts how Laravel has taken the lead as the best PHP framework, and there have to be some strong reasons behind. Let’s mention some of them:

The next question is, how can a Laravel Developer help you?

Don’t worry, we have the ideal answer to this question:

After knowing the expertise areas of a certified Laravel developer, it’s time to discuss

The Benefits of Hiring Dedicated and Certified Laravel Developers

Adept and Experienced
Laravel development is adopted by numerous people/companies for their PHP-based web projects. Finding a highly-qualified Laravel developer is not easy since the framework is complex and you need to find someone who has excelled in Laravel development to make the best of it. A Laravel developer is required to deal with routing, middleware, views, blade templates, eloquent models, response etc, and an amateur can’t handle all of these effectively. So, it is crucial that the developer you hire has experience with the architecture of the framework and everything it brings along.

Higher Return on Investment (ROI)
The competition is huge and you need to make wise investments in the tech space to reap good results and more benefits.

The first step towards investing wisely is choosing Laravel and second is hiring a certified Laravel developer. This can give you unexpectedly impressive results since they know the A-Z (or even beyond) of development and the art of offering relevant results to the visitors. After all, they’ve dealt with similar businesses and brands like yours. This, in turn, helps in generating higher ROI and ultimately success.

Great Compatibility with Various Web Browsers
Millions of people on the web use various web browsers to search for your business and your products/services. Thus your website should be working well across all the available web browsers and platforms. Professional Laravel developers deliver you a powerful and dynamic website which is both platform and web browser independent and works seamlessly on all the major web browsers. This helps in getting and attracting the desired traffic without any worries on bad user experience.

Enhanced Security
This goes without saying but dedicated and certified Laravel developers have experience and knowledge of how to create a safe, secure and reliable website for your business. No one likes a vulnerable website.

Once you hire certified or experienced Laravel developers, they employ all the in-built and additional security features of Laravel and develop a highly secure website for your business. With no vulnerability in code, you can be relaxed of hackers harming your website and run your business uninterruptedly. 

Laravel could be your best programming partner and the perfect framework for web application development. Just make sure you hire a certified Laravel developer and you are good to go!